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Dual participation in events in Cape Verde

The year 2021 started with the presence of Asseco PST at another two conferences in an African market. This time, in Cape Verde. At a time when the pandemic severely limits mobility, the online format remains the preferred medium for sharing information and exchanging experiences between attendees and speakers from various locations.

In February, Asseco PST was present, as a Golden Partner, in the 1st Digital Edition of the Cape Verde Data Science Summit. Held from the 4th to the 6th, the conference dedicated to data science featured several international speakers, who joined from three different continents.

What will change in leadership and organisations in the data era was the theme chosen for the conference, which follows two others held at the end of 2020 in Angola and Mozambique.

As far as talks are concerned, our company was represented by Gonçalo Heleno, Head of Infrastructure & Security, who participated with two other guests on the first day in a panel entitled 'The Multicloud Strategy: Is it Worth Investing?', and by Ana Clara Malpique, who spoke on the second day. The Deputy Director of Data & Analytics was the keynote speaker with an excellent presentation on 'The Value of Data'.

In late January, we also sponsored and participated in the Forum 'Digital Transformation Challenges for the Financial Sector'. Held in Cidade da Praia, the event took place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online), organised by PSO - Knowledge & Communication.

Attended by representatives of the banking sector and a wide range of FinTechs and RegTechs, the conference was also attended by Pedro Lopes, Cape Verde's State Secretary for Innovation and Vocational Training. Our CEO, Daniel Araújo, opened the second panel of the forum, with a presentation on the topic 'Vision of Neobanks and connection to traditional banking'.

In an event that warranted the institutional support of the government of Cape Verde and its Ministry of Finance, the Asseco PST brand was always featured prominently.