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Asseco PST's measures regarding the threat posed by COVID-19

Asseco PST is monitoring the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic with the utmost attention and care, both in Portugal and worldwide. We have implemented a set of preventive and contingency measures regarding the worldwide spread of the new Coronavirus.

The implementation of these measures complies with the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the official health institutions in the different countries in which the Group operates. These measures aim to minimise the impact of this pandemic and to ensure the continuity and maintenance of the services provided to our Clients.

Given the recent developments concerning the epidemic in Europe, Asseco PST has developed a response strategy to mitigate the risk of infection and ensure business continuity.

Contingency Plans in the different countries where the Group operates were updated and reviewed. Additional preventive and containment measures were also adopted, related to hygiene practices, recommended procedures for suspicious cases, recommendations for employees travelling to high-risk countries and visits from suppliers. All these measures aim to ensure the well-being and health of our employees, clients and partners, while providing our regular services without any interruption and upholding the high standards of said service.

Our Software Development and Customer Support services continue to operate at full capacity, as do the other services. This is the result of the strategy we adopted to provide the company with technological tools that ensure that all teams are permanently available, with the usual demand and precision.

In addition, we have taken steps to expand the total capacity of our human resources for remote work, if required, with part of the Group already operating in such manner in order to ensure normal business continuity.

We have confidence in the strategic measures developed by the institutions of the different States, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), regarding this epidemiological outbreak. We will continue to monitor this issue in a calm and controlled manner, despite the fact that no case has been registered in our organisation to date.

Aware of the impact and relevance of this pandemic on the different stakeholders, Asseco PST Group is ready to put forth its best efforts to establish appropriate measures, in line with the changing reality that the world is currently facing.

Asseco PST Board of Directors