Asseco Solidária: joining forces to help those in need

In 2024, Asseco Solidária continued to make a significant impact on the lives of many individuals and families facing hardship. Through the efforts of Team Solidário, a dedicated group within Asseco PST that mobilises resources and goodwill to assist those in need, we took part in a variety of initiatives across multiple regions. Collectively, these efforts remain an ongoing commitment to those who require support!
The volunteer work and goodwill of an increasing number of employees have been crucial in extending the chain of solidarity to those most in need within our communities. Over the past year, we launched more than a dozen initiatives where the focus was not on technological solutions, but on promoting human dignity.
The examples have multiplied. We started the year with a campaign to donate solidarity socks, aimed at making the winter more comfortable for homeless people in Portugal. We also took part in an orange-picking initiative at the gardens of the Queluz Palace, in collaboration with Banco Alimentar and Entrajuda, to support an association for retirees, pensioners, and the elderly (ARPIC).
In May, we held our major solidarity day, participating in a corporate teambuilding programme called “ALL IN”. We took on roles as painters and carpenters, repairing and painting walls, ceilings, and furniture in a shelter for girls in vulnerable situations. At the end of the summer, we contributed bottled water, milk, and energy bars to the firefighters battling the wildfires in northern Portugal.
Closer to the end of the year, and following our tradition from previous years, we purchased and distributed sleeping bags and thermal blankets to two institutions (LBV and CASA) for homeless individuals in Lisbon and Funchal. We continued our partnership with Make-A-Wish, which helps grant the wishes of seriously ill children and young people, by participating in their Christmas campaign. At the same time, we once again teamed up with DN Madeira for the “Natal Solidário 2024” initiative.
In Angola, we continued to support a shelter for orphaned children and adolescents living with the HIV virus and organised a solidarity initiative, distributing food to homeless individuals in Luanda. Early in the year, we had already sent used appliances, hygiene products, and clothing for girls to the city of Benguela.
In terms of generosity, Asseco PST employees also committed themselves to helping the victims of the tragedy that struck the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where unprecedented floods affected 441 cities. Bed linens, baby and adult diapers, clothing, shoes, and personal hygiene products were collected for the affected populations.
These were just a few of the initiatives undertaken. In Mozambique, the political and social instability of recent months, coupled with the insecurity in the city of Maputo, has delayed our solidarity project. We hope that peace will return swiftly, while we remain attentive to any humanitarian assistance that may be required.
None of this would have been possible without the generous support of a dedicated team. In 2025, we will persist in making a meaningful impact!