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Standard Courses

    Banka Supervisor 

    • Core Fundamentals – Core Fundamentals I includes general application parameters (countries, banks, branches, currencies, routes…), security and access (users, profiles, classes, authorities), deferred operations, and the parameterization required to use the front-end; Core Fundamentals II includes entities, customers, accounts, maps, transaction codes, transfers, catalogued, collection centre, routines and other parameters specific to the front-end or back-end and Remote Banking.
    • Credit – Credit Product parameterization components, including generic and specific parameters.
    • Foreign – Parameterization components, including operations, CDI and RDI, CDE and RDE.
    • Payment Methods – Parameterization of Payment Method modules (credit, debit and prepaid cards, checks, transfers, direct debits, clearing processes, and POS management).
    • Accounting and Reporting – Parameterization of Management Report and Regulatory Report (Central Banks, Tax Authorities, etc.) modules.

    Financial Markets

    • Financa Fundamentals – Fundamental concepts and processes of the PFS Financa solution, and definition and management of information used in the various business areas by the Front, Back and Middle Offices.
    • Financa Markets – Knowledge of the business processes, products and operations managed in the solution, so as to provide trainees with knowledge on the Angolan markets and traded products.
    • Reconciliations & SWIFT Interface – Parameterization of correspondent reconciliation processes and the SWIFT ecosystem (concepts, messages, dashboard).

    Banka User

    • Core Fundamentals – Fundamental concepts of the application, encompassing aspects related to entities, customers and accounts. Includes training on the basic concepts related to Security and Access and deferred operations, as well as to the use of the PFS Portal for the various functional modules.
    • Foreign – Covers the various products and services related to Foreign Exchange Operations, Payment Orders and Trade Finance (credit and documentary remittances).
    • Credit – Covers the various Credit Products. Includes the entire life cycle of Credit Operations, from the simulation to the proposal, formalization, management and repayment.
    • Payment Methods – Covers the various payment Products and Subsystems (credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, checks, transfers, direct debits, clearing processes and POS management).

    Risk & Compliance

    • Impairment and IFRS9 – Knowing and understanding the framework of the new Accounting Standards for Banking (IFRS 9), with particular emphasis on the issue of impairment, asset classification, and the BNA's instructions.
    • AML/CTF [Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing] – The purpose of Money Laundering Prevention and Combat is to detect and control transactions that are considered suspicious, with respect to illegalities. This training aims to disseminate the main concepts related to this topic, and addresses the main duties, processes and procedures that are to be taken into account by financial institutions.
    • Stress Tests – Empowering learners with knowledge of compulsory stress testing, which is one of the biggest regulatory challenges facing banks today, and the risks under consideration (credit, market, operating, liquidity).
    • Compliance – Global knowledge of the processes and procedures that financial institutions may adopt in terms of Compliance (complying with all legal procedures, obligations, behaviours or recommendations applicable to their economic and professional activity). The aim is for the institution to put in place efficient compliance control systems, thus avoiding any crimes and/or offenses being committed and limiting legal, financial and reputational risks.


    • Systems
    • IBMi Fundamentals – Basic concepts of the architecture of the IBMi system.
    • Virtualized IBMi Infrastructure Management – Basic and intermediate knowledge on the characterization and operation of a virtualized IBMi infrastructure architecture.
    • Operation and Administration of IBMi Systems – Basic and intermediate skills for performing daily operations, but also planning, implementing and managing operations on IBMi systems.

    The Asseco Academy provides annual calendars of the training courses that will be developed in each of the regions in which we operate.